Thursday, April 10, 2008

Of frying and being a chicken

Acar Chicken

if you've stood in front of a hot wok with oil spitting at you, then i'm sure you'll agree with me that its not good fun. My aunt had come over to teach me her signature dish, Acar Chicken. Whilst i happily did the prep work of chopping, peeling and pounding, i kept a good distance(10 metres?) during the frying process. I decided that this was not a dish i could make, given my overwhelming wuss-ness in facing hot oil. As fate would have it, dad was so excited that his daughter could co-produce something remotely delicious he had to promise his good friend(and his family!) that i would cook this dish for them. ARGH was my reaction, but promises must be kept, so i found the longest pair of chopsticks and brandished the wok cover in front of me like a shield as i fried the chicken. Anyways about the recipe, its really fragrant and slightly tangy, so if you're after something light and coconut milk-free but spicy, this is definitely worth trying.

sunbathing chicken

shallots, onions and curry leaves

wonderfully fragrant limes

fried goodness

Acar chicken

10 marylands(which is 10 drumsticks and 10 thighs)

1 ringgit worth of curry paste from your local guy

8 limes, juiced

approx 8cm knob of galangal, pounded

2 sprigs curry leaves

3 brown onions, quartered

8 shallots, blended

3 green chillies, deseeded

4 stalks lemongrass, chopped finely

2 tablespoons brown sugar(or to taste)

1 tablespoon oyster sauce


using a pestle and mortar, pound galangal and lemongrass (separately) till fine

wash and pat dry chicken, then add 2 teaspoons of salt to chicken, mixing thoroughly, before adding the galangal. Leave chicken skin side up on a flat tray under the sun for half hour

Heat wok of oil, fry chicken till golden brown. Note, wok should be covered for the first 3 mins as crazy spluttering will ensue when chicken meets oil. Turn chicken during frying process to ensure even frying.

Pour oil (save for 2 tablespoons) into separate vessel for reuse( if you want)

Fry onions, lemongrass, shallots and curry paste till fragrant

Add green chili, curry leaves, lime juice, brown sugar and oyster sauce, then lastly the chicken so that the paste coats it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Purring Tiger said...

cook for me! COOK FOR ME!!!!

What you doing here and not telling me huh?? Only Isaac knows?!? WTF!! >.<

So is this really a secret blog or what? LOL!

I'm hungry and it's all your fault :(